How to feel Confident before a Boudoir Photoshoot?

Feeling confident before a boudoir photoshoot is a skill that can be learned.

You might be thinking: "But I don't feel confident!" And that's okay!

We're here to help you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin... and then to take photos where you look like a total goddess.

Wear something that makes YOU feel good in your skin. If you're uncomfortable with showing off your body, try wearing something that covers more of it—but if it makes YOU feel sexy and confident, wear whatever makes you feel good!

Go through your closet and pick out your favourite lingerie. If you don't have anything that makes you feel confident, it might be time to get some new pieces! You can also pick out props like a silk robe or something else that makes you feel beautiful. And don't forget about your hair and makeup—you should try out new looks before the shoot so that when they're done by professionals, they'll look amazing on camera!

Once you've accepted yourself as a whole person with strengths and weaknesses, it's easier to start thinking about what makes YOU beautiful. What do YOU think makes YOU beautiful? What makes YOU feel sexy? And once you've figured out what makes YOU feel sexy (and why), it will be easier for YOU to see it in other people!


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